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FUJITV - Watch Japan TV on iPhone via FJPlayerTV (iPhone X, iPhone 8/8 plus, iPhone 7(7 plus), etc.)

Looking forward to having access your favourite Japan TV live stream on your iPhone or iPod Touch? FUJITV iOS just upgrade! Support watching Japan TV channels across the Globe on your iPhone, include the latest iPhone X. To run FUJITV on iPhone, all you need to do is simply free download a third-party player named FJPlayerTV and begin watching japan TV live on iPhone (iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s). FJPlayerTV app is available at App Store.

How to use FUJITV to watch Japanese live TV on iPhone via FJPlayerTV?

Step 1. Download And Install FJPlayerTV App 

1) Open the App Store and input FJPlayerTV in the search box, tap DOWNLOAD button to download FJPlayerTV on your iPhone.

2)Open FJPlayerTV and input tv:// in the box, tap PLAY button to enter the FJPlayerTV playback interface.

Step 2. Watch Online

1)After entering the playback interface, you will be allowed to watch any Japan TV shows on iPhone.

2) It will stop after play for about two minutes and automatically jump to the registration interface. Or tap setting button on the top right corner of the iPhone screen to enter the registration interface.

Step 3. Sign Up

1) Tap the SIGNUP button and input a valid email address, Password, Confirm Password, and then tap Signup button.

2) Login your mailbox, open the mail and click the links inside the red box below activate your account.

Learn more at

Tips: You can watch it for free for one day.



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荒井由実・絢香・コブクロの卒業式名曲から槇原敬之・AKB48のミリオンヒットまで7年間49の国と地域から来た211人の外国人の熱唱から厳選した春の歌集 14:20 ~ 15:35 (75分) この時間帯の番組表 日テレ(Ch.3): [7日間のリプレイ] 番組詳細 中居正広  西尾由佳理  テリー伊藤 世界の美人...

NHK Asadora Hanbun, Aoi【連続テレビ小説 半分、青い。第20週 「始めたい!」】

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0歳児から2歳児を対象にした番組です。番組のさまざまなコーナーを通して子どもたちに働きかけ、子どものさまざまな可能性と能力を引き出すことをねらいとしています。 番組詳細 「映像」と「音」で構成されたさまざまなコーナーで子どもたちの感覚を揺さぶり、子どもたちの持つさまざまな可能性と能力を引き出すことをねらいとしています。番組では、子どもどうしはもちろん、親子などそばにいる大人が子どもたちと「豊かに関わり合う」きっかけとなるよう内容を工夫しています。どうぞ、子どもさんたちといっしょに番組を楽しんでください。 生放 / 7日間の再生: 8/4 (星期五) 16:05 ~ 16:20 (15分) この時間帯の番組表 (関西) NHKE テレ (Ch.8): Source:

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ForJoyTV Supports Windows and Mac Desktop Version to watch Japanese TV

What if you're in a foreign country and want to watch domestic TV?  ForJoyTV  is awesome. It's the best way to watch Japanese TV abroad, it provides TV live service and offers better viewing experience to all Japanese nationals. ForJoyTV supports a variety of devices to make your viewing options more extensive, the desktop version for Windows/Mac is able to work well without any browser or flash player. Just enjoy Japanese TV channels more freely, faster and easier. Highlight Features Of ForJoyTV: 1.Contain more than 70 Japan TV channels’ live streaming. 2.Decent catch-up TV with 2 weeks. 3.Download TV shows for watching offline anytime. 4.Collect all beloved TV channels as Favorites. 5.Allow to enable Child Lock. 6.Set auto full screen mode. 7.Drag to resize the player window. 8.Switch language interface: English and Japanese. 9.Allow to enable hardware decoding and rendering. With ForJoyTV, get full access to the streaming library with breaking News, TV dramas, h...